Legal Service
In the present era, it is mandatory to prepare legal documents or agreements to carry out any official work. But while getting these legal agreements made, the general public has to face many problems and have to stand in long queues.
With the help of our online legal services, you can easily make the following types of agreements for your customers and earn well.

Legal Notice
A legal notice is a formal written communication between two or more parties whose purpose is to inform the recipient of the sender's intention to take legal action against the other party.
It also informs and alerts the party receiving the legal notice of the sender's complaints. It serves as a final warning to the receiver to meet a certain condition. In case of not doing so, the sender can approach the court and can also file a case against the other party. A legal notice can be drafted by the aggrieved person/group of persons as per their requirement, but a better option is to get it drafted by an experienced legal expert. A legal notice is drawn up in the form of a well-written draft on an advocate's letterhead containing his address and contact details and the following information:
Title of legal notice
Matter and facts
Sender's demands and requirements
Results and side effects etc.
Title of legal notice
Types of legal notice
Tenant eviction notice
Employee and Employer/Company
Check bounce notice
Consumer dispute
Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908

Business Agreement
Contracts and agreements are important to the conduct of business for all types of companies. In earlier decades, few people used written business contracts, and most business and personal deals were negotiated with a handshake. But nowadays most people make written agreements before doing business. With the help of our online legal services, you can easily prepare business agreements for your customers.

Employment Agreement
An employment contract, also known as an employment agreement, is a written agreement that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the employer and employee. For example, this agreement usually contains information about wages, benefits, hours, and job responsibilities.

Check Bounce Notice
A check is a bill of exchange which is payable on demand. There are two parties to a transaction, the person who issues the check is known as the drawee, while the person in whose favor the check is issued is known as the drawer. Check bounce is a situation in which a check cannot be processed due to insufficient funds in a person's bank account. In such a situation, the drawer can issue a check bounce notice to take legal action against the drawee under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881. With the help of our legal services, you can easily get these types of notices made for your customers.